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Writer's pictureSubang Jaya Church of Christ

What about those who cannot understand the gospel?

The question of whether children are saved often arises in Christian discussions. The Bible does not explicitly answer the question of whether children who die before they are able to understand the gospel go to heaven, but several verses points to God's compassion and care for children and other vulnerable individuals.

The innocence of children

The Bible tells us of God's goodness towards children and the vulnerable:

Psalm 68:5 “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation.”

Jesus Himself said,

Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

These verses show that children are embraced by Jesus and are part of His kingdom, even without a conscious decision of faith. Additionally, in Matthew 18:3, Jesus declares,

Matthew 18:3 “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”

This demonstrates the spiritually safe condition of children - they cannot be spiritually sinful if adults must 'become like them' to go to heaven.

Romans 9:11 also suggests babies are not born already sinful, and in fact, have not yet done any good or evil:

Romans 9:11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls)

These verses collectively indicate babies and very young children are born innocent as they have not yet committed sin.

Hearing requires understanding

The Apostle Paul also states,

Romans 7:9 “I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died”

When Paul talks about being spiritually 'alive' before the law, he refers to a time in his life before he became a responsible, accountable individual. But once he did and could make the choice to sin, he became accountable to God's law.

A person is not subject to the law of God until he or she is mature enough to understand and be responsible for their behaviour, hence the phrase 'age of accountability' which is often referenced in Christian discussions.


Overall, the Bible suggests, babies, young children, and anyone else incapable of understanding the gospel are innocent, and are covered by God's grace and mercy.

For most of us, we will reach an age when we are mature enough to be responsible for our actions, and thereby become sinners who are in need of God's saving grace. According to be the Bible, these are the things we must do to be saved:

  1. Hear the gospel of God’s gift of salvation to all mankind (Mark 16:15)

  2. Believe Jesus is the son of God who died for us (John 3:16)

  3. Repent of every sin (Acts 3:19)

  4. Confess faith in Jesus (Romans 10:9)

  5. Be baptised for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38)

  6. Stay faithful (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

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