9.30am to 1.00pm
Saturday, 31 August 2024
Assembly Premises, Subang Jaya Church Of Christ
Organised by Subang Jaya Church Of Christ
THEME LECTURE: “Speaking The Same Thing & Perfectly Joined Together” (1 Corinthians 1:10-11) - brother (Dr) Koay Chuan Lek
[Explanatory Note: Obviously, a signboard identifying a premise as the place of assembly of a “Church Of Christ” does not guarantee that Bible truth is therein preached, taught and practised. There are 18 congregations of the churches of Christ in Malaysia. In addition, there are at least 3 congregations of the one-cup persuasion, ten associated with the Crossroads/Boston Movement and three with Abilene Christian University leanings. Brethren freely use anti-institutional churches of Christ material,- ubiquitous on the Net,- for self-study and teaching assignments. In such an environment of diverse doctrinal persuasions held by parties claiming to be of the Restoration Movement, scriptural guidelines and guardrails are necessary regarding how we should interact,- if at all,- with those who do not “speak the same thing” and are not of the same mind and judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). As regards identity, are we brethren? How do we apply Romans 16:17-20 and 2 John 9-11?]
(1) “Worshipping God In Spirit And Truth” (John 4:23-24) - brother Rick Kirk
[Why is truth important in matters of salvation and worship? Is objective truth attainable alike by all? How do radically different understandings arise from reading the same scriptures? In the absence of creeds, confessions and councils, how do we distinguish truth from error?]
(2) “From Among Yourselves Men Shall Arise Speaking Perverse Things” (Acts 20:29-31) - brother Ong Eng Boon
[Throughout Bible times and until today, there have been false teaching by influential believers. What do Old and New Testament examples teach us about how our Father views the problem of doctrinal error? Whose responsibility is it to be watchmen and contenders for the faith?]
(3) “In Humility Correcting Those Who Are In Opposition” (2 Timothy 2:24-26) - brother Eng Kim Leng
[How do we engage in communication with doctrinal adversaries before a watching world? How does love for the brethren figure in the handling of doctrinal differences? Is there a place for doctrinal debate about what the Bible teaches? How do we persuade brethren “on the fence”?]
(4) “Noting And Avoiding Those Who Cause Divisions And Offences” (Romans 16:17-20) - brother Lim Chan Khoon
[What should be done if “push comes to shove” and entire congregations get involved? Is there a “line in the sand”? What are the consequences of fellowshipping or not fellowshipping with those with whom we differ doctrinally? What amounts to “marking” those who are in error? Should those who teach error be distinguished from those exhibiting immoral conduct?]
FORUM and Q-&-A with Speakers