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Happy New Year!

We had much to be thankful for in the year 2024, one of the highlights being the baptism of two sisters - Shannen Chua on 29 Dec 2024 and Madam Cho Fong Chee on 1 Jan 2025. We also had a New Year Fellowship to kickstart 2025 in love and fellowship as a Christian family.

Two souls added to God's kingdom

We rejoice with the angels at the addition of Shannen Chua and Madam Cho Fong Chee to the family of God!

From left to right: Sisters Sui Lin (Shannen's mother), Audrey (Shannen's grandmother), Karen, Shannen, Ai Mei and Jane

Shannen had been studying for years under the tutelage of her mother, grandmother and the Sunday School teachers of the church, culminating in her decision to be baptised! It truly takes a village, and in this case, a sisterhood to raise a child of God.

Madam Cho's baptism.

Madam Cho, mother to Sis Su Ping, had been studying Scripture with Bro Ong Eng Boon, before she made the decision to be baptised.

We praise God for these additions to the church of God and pray that they may continue to walk faithfully with Christ.

New Year's Fellowship

The SJCOC also rang in the new year with a fellowship with more than 40 people in attendance.

Bro Micah sharing on the topic of Thanksgiving.
Bro Micah sharing on the topic of Thanksgiving.

Bro Micah shared on how when we reflect over the past year, although the challenges we faced might have caused us to feel discouraged in the moment, God in His wisdom might allow it to happen so that we may learn an important lesson and grow in faith. And above all, even in our challenges, God wants us to 'rejoice always' (1 Thessalonians 5:16) in all things.

A pair of hands adding paper leaves with thanksgiving notes to a tree.
The Thanksgiving Tree

Everyone then filled in a 'Thanksgiving Tree' where they shared about what they were grateful for over the past year. Some shared about being grateful for God carrying them through illness, the comfort of having a family of God and the joy of welcoming a new life into their family.

This was then followed by a game of Human Bingo and Bible Pictionary, ending with a Fellowship Lunch!

A game of Bible pictionary

The SJCOC would like to convey special thanks to the organising team for a successful New Years Fellowship!

  • Bro Micah & family: Coordination, devotion and snacks

  • Sis Karen & family: Lunch

  • Sis Sui Lin & family: Decorations

  • Sis Bessie: Building maintenance and operations

  • Bro Brendan: Promotional posters and content

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