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I already believe in Jesus/God, isn't that good enough?
Many people self-describe as being 'spiritual', or believing in a 'higher being', and think that is enough. But is it enough to simply...
How do we know which is the 'right' church?
Which church - or denomination - is the 'right' church? With over 40 000 denominations worldwide, it is understandable why those seeking...
Why should we believe the Bible?
The Bible is often regarded as the most influential book ever written, but how do we know what it claims is true? Moreover, how do we...
Isn't it enough to just be a good person?
What counts as a 'good' person? Every person has a different definition of what is moral. "I mean, a good person is what most people in...
What about those who cannot understand the gospel?
The question of whether children are saved often arises in Christian discussions. The Bible does not explicitly answer the question of...
What is the church of Christ?
Some people may have never heard of the church of Christ (COC). Others may have heard of us, but do not know who we are. Here are some...
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